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EAPA Book series

The EAPA Book series Psychological Assessment – Science and Practice is an initiative co-authored by Hogrefe Publishing GmbH. 

Editorial Board

Editor-in-chief: Tuulia Ortner (Austria)
Members: Itziar Alonso-Arbiol (Spain), Willibald Ruch (Switzerland), Karl Schweizer (Germany), and Samuel Greiff (Luxembourg)


  1. Volume authors/ editors can be members of EAPA or not and may come from any part of the world.
  2. The volumes of the series can have an extent corresponding to between 250-300 printed pages (including any figures, tables, indexes, and reference lists).
  3. Volume authors/editors sign a separate publishing agreement with the Publisher and receive royalties. They also receive 20 copies of the volume to be distributed to the authors of the chapters. If they wish they may purchase from the Publisher additional copies with a discount.

Duties of volume authors/editors

  1. Preparing a fully developed book proposal along the lines required by the Publisher.
  2. It should explicitly state the time schedule for each part of the editorial process and be submitted to the Editorial Board (EB) for review. 
  3. Ensuring that the chapters are in accordance with the latest edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association and the Series guidelines.
  4. Ensuring that chapter authors provide all the copyright permissions and rights of third parties are not injured.